Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Today we woke to rain, but decided to take the bus to Ambleside (don't you just love that name) Ambleside, it even sounds cute and it was a nice little town.  We walked around a bit and I ended up buying a shirt.  It was all Terry's fault as she wanted to go in the store  and look at something she saw in  the window.  I  looked at the shirt and it was soft and warm, so I tried it on and it became mine.  As an added plus it wads up into its own pocket for easy packing.  Also in my defense, I had to throw away one shirt because it had a big ole stain  that wouldn't come out.  Our policy of buy new throw away old came into practice.  As we left the store, I decided it was going to get wet and I was trying to stuff it inside itself to put it in the backpack. Terry of course had to record the episode and some guy standing  outside the store was laughing at my efforts. Never did get it all in the pocket.

As usual for us, we were soon looking for lunch and found a cute little cafe.  Lunch was delicious.  I had an egg mayo sandwich (english egg salad) and being a non hacker, a cafe latte.

All the winos in the group had the usual.  Our little waitress was very nice (second from left and the others worked there as well)

and said we should go see The Bridge House and the Church of England, St. Marys, so we trudged off in the rain to find same.  The Bridge House was built in the 1800's by a man who wanted to avoid land taxes, so he built it on a bridge over the water.  It was two rooms, one up and one down and housed his family of EIGHT.  Now this is DOWNSIZING.

The entrance
The fireplace used to be a door out the other side across the river.

The stairs to the upper room were on the outside of the house.  The flower pot is sitting on one step.
We walked on down the street to St. Marys which was a relatively new church built in 1852.  It was lovely and peaceful.

After this we were decidedly soggy, so hopped on the bus and went back to relax by our fireplace and to do laundry before we take off on Friday for Harrogate in Yorkshire.

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