Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Elgin and Urquhart

The B&B Parrandier is actually in Urquhart near Elgin, but you can tell it was a church.  Miss Terry coming out to begin our day.

We explored Elgin today.  The first thing we found on our list was Johnstons of Elgin since 1797, a cashmere heritage center.  The little museum area showed how the cashmere is made from wool of cashmere goats.
 I found a red scarf to go with my red hat.  

Then got directions to the ruins of the Cathedral of Elgin and the Biblical Garden.  The garden was beautiful and according to our host Andreas one of the few remaining in Europe.  Apparently it used to be common in towns all over Europe.  I certainly have never seen one like it.  The pictures speak for themselves.

The cathedral must have been magnificent in its day.  It's still pretty impressive

From there drove out of Elgin to Pluscarden Abbey now inhabited by Benedictine Monks, some who have taken vows of silence.  They do not allow anyone into the interior of the Abbey, but there is an outer room that has a history of the Abbey that we were able to go into.

Terry in front of the Abbey.  If you are wondering what the little thing on the ground behind her is, it's a battery operated lawnmower.  

It seems to work like that robotic vacuum cleaner.  It was pretty funny to see this where the monks have also taken vows of poverty. 

This is why the monks don't have time to mow

This wall hanging was hand embroidered. It took 5000 hours to complete. It says "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world".

AND then there is the Abbey cat "Baxter".  He was waiting for us when we went back outside the Abbey

Back though downtown Elgin and then to Lossie Mouth (actual name of the Town) to see the white sand and black sand beaches on the North Sea.

White sand

Black sand

We must be getting our groove back, because we laughed a lot today. Not so tired.  What will tomorrow bring.


Unknown said...

sharon and ladies, what a great trip so far. I do hope you are enjoying the finest single malt whiskeys in the world at your doorsteps! Love reading the journey!

Sharon Daugherty said...

We had some great blends today. Saving the single malt for later.